With quality features throughout this extra large commercial wall mount drop box is constructed entirely of rust-free aluminum and has a door of heavy 1/4 thick aluminum plate that is recessed from the front .
The sides and back panel are made of extruded aluminum with multiple rivets for added strength.
The extra large drop box features a reinforced door frame, durable powder coated finish, a front opening door with pivoting hinges and a key lock with a throw bolt.
Four rear mounting holes are pre-drilled.
This locking drop box is ideal for colleges, schools, private postal centers, corporate mail centers, military bases, government agencies and many other applications.
The Exterior Dimensions are : 19"h x 15"w x 7-1/2"d.
Colors available: Aluminum, bronze, and sandstone.
Can only ship to addresses in the United States and Canada; premium delivery not available.
Drop Box: Drop slot (shown below) measures 11-1/2"w x 3/4"h can accommodate keys on tags and thick envelopes.The depth of the box, from the slot to the bottom of the drop box, is 16 inches and the interior width is 6 1/2 inches (from the inside of the door to the back of the drop box.
Lock included.
Also Available:
Courier Box: With solid door (shown above) no drop slot add $20 ea.

With Slot